Knutar på garnet

Knots on the yarn

Sometimes while knitting you may notice knots in your yarn, let's explain why and what you can do about them.

What is a yarn knot?
Knots are not tangled yarn, but a point where the yarn has broken off and tied back together. They can be frustrating but are unfortunately an unavoidable part of making the yarn.

Most of the yarns we sell are spun from 100% wool, a natural and sustainably produced fiber. Because of this, it is not possible to have a continuous thread for an entire batch of yarn weighing one ton. The knots are created by spinners who attach new threads or repair breaks that occur during the spinning process. Knots can be anywhere in tons of spun wool, so trying to identify which skeins have knots in order to discard them would increase the cost of all the yarn produced – it would also be a waste of wool. This means that you will sometimes, but not often, find a knot in a ball of yarn.

What should I do with a yarn knot?
A knot should be treated as if you were tying a new yarn end. Tie up the knot or cut it, change yarn, felt the ends, or leave an end long enough to weave in and start knitting with the new thread.

A few knots per ton of yarn is considered acceptable, but it is very rare to have more knots than that in a skein per dye bath. If you have questions about this and any of our products, contact us at
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